our services
HHM provides a range of historic preservation services for clients ranging from individual property owners to large federal agencies. We are dedicated to working with clients to provide innovative solutions that meet and exceed expectations.
For owners of historic properties
Federal and state historic preservation tax credit consulting
National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmark nominations
Local historic landmark and local historic district nominations
For local governments and non-profits
Historic resource surveys, including intensive surveys, reconnaissance surveys, and desktop surveys
Survey planning
Preservation planning
Preservation design guidelines
Custom GIS data management solutions for historic preservation
GIS database design and mobile app development using Esri ArcGIS Online (Field Maps, Survey123, QuickCapture)
Advanced GIS analysis, including historic district analysis, survey area analysis, historic map analysis, and parcel data analysis
Legacy survey data integration, including digitization, georeferencing, geocoding, conversion, and interpretation
Community engagement apps using Esri Story Maps, Esri ArcGIS Hub, Esri ArcGIS Dashboards, and more
Evaluations of eligibility for historic designation
National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmark nominations
Historic contexts and archival research
Deed and census research
Historic map research
Oral history research
Settlement pattern and land use studies
Historical socio-economic studies
Public outreach and preservation education programs
For state and federal agencies
Cultural resource compliance for NHPA Section 106/110, DOT Act Section 4(f) and NEPA
Preservation, management and historical interpretation planning
Preservation plans for communities, installations, and buildings
Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan preparation
Design Guidelines
Historic Furnishing Plans
Historic Structure Reports, Condition Assessment Reports, and Preservation Analysis Reports
Programmatic Agreements, Memoranda of Agreement, and Memoranda of Understanding Preparation
Custom GIS data management solutions for historic preservation
National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmark nominations
HABS/HAER/HALS documentation
Museum services
Public outreach meetings and materials
Cultural resource management training and education